Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hurricane Ike: "ima slap the shit outta you"

How can the news anchor for channel 11 call this guy a clown? He is clearly a national hero, in a bear suit... NOT a clown suit. That is simply sloppy journalism.
I'm also fairly certain that this brave man, dressed in his favorite bear suit, is not the first to do so. Therefore, Rux Russel, you fail at journalism and at life. I understand that there is a hurricane that's about to bitch slap texas, but the story here isn't about the pier being destroyed. I'm pretty sure most of the Galveston residents were not shocked that a wooden plank pier was destroyed by a hurricane. That is not a story, that's inevitable. However, a man dancing on the beach in a bear suit in the middle of a hurricane? Now that's the real story here.

Chanel 11 news, you're irresponsible journalism didn't inform or entertain, all you did was weaken a country today.

With a name like Ike how could anyone not expect this hurricane to pimp slap texas for wreckless eyebalin.