Tuesday, September 30, 2008


your fat ass

A Middletown woman is arrested, after chasing children, peeing on a porch, and blocking traffic... all while wearing a cow suit.

Police say 32 year old Michelle Allen was chasing children in the 3100 block of Wilbraham, while wearing the cow costume early Monday evening. Allen also reported urinated on a neighbor's front porch. An officer told Allen to go home and stay there for the remainder of the evening.

Police were later called to North Verity Avenue, where Allen was allegedly blocking traffic. The arresting officer says Allen smelled of alcohol, slurred her speech, and was belligerent. She also alleged cussed at the officer.

Listen people, there's a fine line between disorderly conduct and an epic Friday night out on the town. That fine line just so happens to manifest itself in the form of a cow costume.......or chasing small children in conjunction with said costume. I mean who hasn't gotten thor-hammered on a Friday night and urinated on porches before pretending to be a traffic cop?

Bottom line, Nell Carter needs to lose the cow costume next time she goes on a bender. She also needs to stop chasing small children....presumably to eat them.

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