Tuesday, August 26, 2008

9 year old kid's stuff is so hard and fast

Can you imagine being too good at what you do?
Probably not, but i can.
It happens to me on a daily basis. Not the imagining part, but the part where i'm actually awesome at everything i do. People literally come up to me and say "damn.. you...you're too good at this that and the other thing".
true story.

Now imagine if i were punished for my vast awesomeness. What if i couldn't do any activity that i was awesome at? I would have to just sit at home and do nothing all day. Fuckin A, i bet i'd be awesome that that too.

Jericho Scott, a 9 year old kid in New Haven, is being kicked out of little league baseball because his pitching is too good.
  • NEW HAVEN Parents are angry. There are lawyers involved. Conflicting and wild accusations are flying. The adults are fighting over the kids. “The spirit of the league was community, family, well being, nurturing. It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted,” said attorney Peter Noble, who represents Liga Juvenil De Baseball De New Haven, Spanish for Youth Baseball League of New Haven. The league is not affiliated with Little League baseball. The fighting started this week when Coach Wilfred Vidro refused a directive by league officials to replace 9-year-old pitcher Jericho Scott, whose pitching they say is so hard, fast and accurate that it might frighten or discourage other players.

Why aren't the parents simply tipping their cap and giving credit where credit is due?
Also didn't the parents realize their league is called "liga juvenil de baseball de new haven"?
Everyone in the world knows the best pitchers are all latin...pedro, mariano, santana.
If this were in Cuba he'd be signed to the NY Yankee minor(very minor) league system already and declared a national hero. Shit, at this point i'd put him in the yankees rotation immediately.
Speaking of Cuba, just imagine if little Elian Gonzalez had a quality fastball or 12 to 6 curve, he'd probably still be in America today.

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